
What is it about a reboot that we all find so irresistible? Is it the familiarity of nostalgia we find ourselves attracted to or the comfort of security? As much as I find myself questioning the lack of creativity when they decide to make a reboot, I can’t say that sense of curiosity isn’t piqued. Most of these limited series are either met with great praise or even greater criticism. Critics either applaud the characters’ evolution with the time or denounce their stagnant natures.

What would they say about a reboot of your life?

Better yet, would you want a reboot? We expect to see that great evolution in our favorite character, but why do we not expect the same for ourselves?

Realistically, we can’t go back and do it again. We can dwell on the what ifs, but that’s neither productive or fair. All you can do is make a conscience effort to approach each “hiccup” as the person we are aspiring to be would, not as the old version of ourselves.

It all a matter self-expectations. If I can be content with the way I’ve previously reacted to situations, then I don’t expect my life to ever change positively or negatively. But, if I can take a step back and say,”bitch, last time you had this happen you overreacted.” Before reacting to a situation, I have control to change the outcome. Yes, it could still be negative reaction to my seemingly more positive one. So, what? The universe just wasn’t in your corner in this situation, and that’s okay.

As much as I enjoy a reboot, I’m more invested into sequels more.


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